


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, wearing a seat belt can decrease your chance of obtaining a fatal injury by up to 50 percent Seat belts serve the purpose of protecting and securing drivers & Condactor in a moving vehicle; without the use of this safety harness, collisions or sudden stops can result in drivers & condactor hitting against steering wheels, dashboards:

6 Reasons to Wear Seat Belts

  • It's the law in every state except New Hampshire.
  • Your face is less likely to hit the windshield if you're wearing a seat belt because it stops your inertia. That is, if your Lorryis going 60 miles an hour and suddenly stops, your face won't hit the windshield going 60 miles an hour.
  • Wearing a seat belt keeps you from being thrown from your vehicle.
  • It keeps you from banging against parts of your Lorry such as the door, the steering wheel and the seat in front of you. Gravity and inertia may demand otherwise, but a seat belt doesn't force you to obey such laws.
  • Seat belts keep the driver and condactor from banging into each other, a cause of serious injury in some accidents.
  • Wearing a seat belt could save your life: death sometimes results from hitting the windshield, being thrown from your vehicle and banging against vehicle parts and driver & condactor.

 So considering all above reasons, it is necessary for all drivers & condactors and other staff of WASEEM AFRIDI ENTERPRISES who are using company vehicle, must wear seat belt.

Safe Driving Rules for driving Tank Vehicles

  • In order to drive tank vehicles safely, all drivers must remember to follow all the safe driving rules. A few of these rules are:
  • Drive Smoothly

  • Because of the high center of gravity and the surge of the liquid, you must start, slow down, and stop very smoothly. Also, make smooth turns and lane changes.
  • Controlling Surge

  • Keep a steady pressure on the brakes. Do not release too soon when coming to a stop. Brake far in advance of a stop and increase your following distance. If you must make a quick stop to avoid a crash, use controlled or stab braking. Also, remember that if you steer quickly while braking, your vehicle may roll over.
  • Curves

  • Slow down before curves, then accelerate slightly though the curve. The posted speed for a curve may be too fast for a tank vehicle.
  • Stopping Distance

  • Keep in mind how much space you need to stop your vehicle. Remember that wet roads double the normal stopping distance. Empty tank vehicles may take longer to stop than full ones.
  • Skids

  • Don't over steer, over accelerate, or over brake. If you do, your vehicle may skid. On tank trailers, if your drive wheels or trailer wheels begin to skid, your vehicle may jackknife. When any vehicle starts to skid, you must take action to restore traction to the wheels.